September 04, 2009

kick start - answers

and more importantly, this post also has the winners!
or, in this case... there is only one winner. but then again there was only one contestant. so the winner could also theoretically be the loser... it's an odd situation where someone finishes both first AND last. however, in this instance, i'm going with winner.

self-satisfaction, brief electronic glory and a plethora of virtual gold stars to JOHN for his winning score of 55/90.

and for shits a giggles, here's john's very own dilbert creation:and here are the answers to the trivia-type questions for all those inquiring minds:

KS1 i'm going to leave you to explore the Oracle of Bacon by yourself... it is much too entertaining and you would hate me if i just gave you an answer.

KS3 mcdonalds --> double quarter pounder with cheese (760 calories); wendys --> triple w/everything and cheese (970 calories)

KS5 16 sparrows

KS6 coal, copper, gold, iron ore, natural gas, nickel, oil, potash, uranium, water, wood, zinc [source]

KS8 Violet Smarties were previously dyed with cochineal, a derivative of the Cochineal insect which is listed in the ingredients as carminic acid. Its presence meant that these Smarties were neither kosher, halal nor vegan. [source]

KS9 reese's pieces have a peanut-flavoured penuche filling and july 22 is national penuche day in the united states.

KS10 the shawshank redemption

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